RWIGS: don't get 'volume' line in OUTCAR !?!?

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RWIGS: don't get 'volume' line in OUTCAR !?!?

#1 Post by lahaye » Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:04 am


The guidebook says that spd-projection of dos and wavefunctions, I need to set the RWIGS
variable in INCAR to an appropriate value. I have a Carbon Nano Tube with only C atoms,
for which I should be able to determine the value for RWIGS easily, by increasing it until the
'volume' line in OUTCAR is close to 100 procent. However, I do not have that line. What
else is needed to get this volume line in INCAR, so that I can optimize the RWIGS value?

Here is my INCAR file:

Code: Select all

   SYSTEM = SWCNT in a box
   NWRITE =      2    write-flag

   PREC   = High
   LREAL  = Auto
   EDIFF  = 1E-05   energy stopping-criterion for ELM
   LREAL  = Auto    real-space projection (.FALSE., .TRUE., On, Auto)
   IALGO  = 48      algorithm (8=CG for small, 48=RMM for big systems)

   ISMEAR = -5    (-1-Fermi, +n-Methfessel/Paxton, -5 tetrahedron with Blöchl corrections)
   NEDOS  = 1001
   SIGMA  = 0.0   broadening in eV
   RWIGS  = 0.86 

   NPAR   = 4

Last edited by lahaye on Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RWIGS: don't get 'volume' line in OUTCAR !?!?

#2 Post by job » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:25 am

Like the manual says, for LDOS to be calculated NPAR must be 1. Also, the rule of thumb that RWIGS should be set so that volume is close to 100% is probably a very bad choice for a CNT where you have lots of empty space in your unit cell. Instead, use the Wigner-Seitz radius (which you can find in POTCAR) or the covalent radius, or something else which at least has some resemblance to physical intuition.
Last edited by job on Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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