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LDOS calculation: error from vasp.err

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:32 pm
by opvu
Dear all,
I calculate LDOS with:

PREC = high
NEDOS = 1200

POSCAR: PAW potentials
and vasp.err read:

WARNING: for PREC=h ENMAX is automatically increase by 25 %
this was not the case for versions prior to vasp.4.4
WARNING: for PREC=h ENMAX is automatically increase by 25 %
this was not the case for versions prior to vasp.4.4
WARNING: for PREC=h ENMAX is automatically increase by 25 %
this was not the case for versions prior to vasp.4.4

I don't understand what this means. Please give mean explanation!
Thank very much

LDOS calculation: error from vasp.err

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:09 am
by Veronika
This is just an information. Don't worry about it. Nothing's wrong.