I have a simple question. I want to calculate the contribution
of the electrons kinetic energy, ie:
Code: Select all
             h^2   N         *       2   Â
 T    = -  ---  Sum  <Psi |grad |Psi>
             2 m  i=1                   Â
where N is the total number of electrons.
I found out that in the file elf.F is actually calculated.
So I just averaged it and multiplied it with the volume of the
system (see below). The result that I get I think is in eV.
Are all these correct or am I totally wrong?
Thank you very much!!
PS: Of course in the INCAR file I set: LELF = .TRUE.
Part of the elf.F file:
Code: Select all
      USE prec
      USE mpimy
      USE mgrid
      USE constant
      USE lattice
      IMPLICIT REAL(q) (A-B,D-H,O-Z)
      TYPE (grid_3d) GRID
      TYPE (latt)        LATT_CUR
!  calculate ELF (e.g.: Nature, 371(1994)683-686)
!              _
!              h^2    *    2         T.........kinetic energy
! T    = - 2 --- Psi grad Psi   T+TCORR...pos.definite kinetic energy
!              2 m                   TBOS......T of an ideal Bose-gas
!               _                                (=infimum of T+TCORR)
!             1 h^2      2           DH........T of hom.non-interact.e- - gas
! TCORR= - ---  grad rho                    (acc.to Fermi)
!             2 2 m                  ELF.......electron-localization-function
!               _             2
!             1 h^2 |grad rho|
! TBOS = - --- ----------       D = T + TCORR - TBOS
!             4 2 m    rho
!               _                                \                             1
!            3 h^2        2/3  5/3          =====>    ELF = ------------
! DH   = - --- (3 Pi^2)  rho                /                           D   2
!             5 2 m                                                   1 + ( --- )
!                                                                                DH
      PISQ   = PI*PI
      FIVTHI = 5._q/3._q
      Ttot = 0.0d0
      DO N=1,GRID%RL%NP
       T    = REAL( CKINE(N) ,KIND=q)
       Ttot = Ttot + T
!      write(*,*) "KINE = ",Ttot,T,N,Ttot/real(N)
       DH = 0.2_q*HSQDTM/PISQ* (3*PISQ* REAL( CHDEN(N) ,KIND=q) )**FIVTHI
       write(*,*) "KINE = ",Ttot*LATT_CUR%OMEGA/real(N)