PAW psudopotential for vasp 5.3.5
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:01 am
We installed several versions, recently I found that when treating some psudopotentioals (pps), the job cannot work with vasp 5.2 because
So I asked our head of vasp-group for help and got the latest vasp 5.3.5 with the PAW pps. Its surprising there are four PAW compressed files: potpaw_PBE, potpaw_PBE.52, potpaw_LDA, potpaw_LDA.52.
My question is could someone tell me what are the differences between potpaw_PBE and potpaw_PBE.52, as well as the differences between potpaw_LDA, potpaw_LDA.52? Why the jobs with vasp 5.3.3 show the problem stated above?
However, vasp 5.3.3 can make it work.this version requires full pseudpotential generation information
So I asked our head of vasp-group for help and got the latest vasp 5.3.5 with the PAW pps. Its surprising there are four PAW compressed files: potpaw_PBE, potpaw_PBE.52, potpaw_LDA, potpaw_LDA.52.
My question is could someone tell me what are the differences between potpaw_PBE and potpaw_PBE.52, as well as the differences between potpaw_LDA, potpaw_LDA.52? Why the jobs with vasp 5.3.3 show the problem stated above?