Printing of DFT-D4 Information
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:15 am
Dear Developers,
After using the newly available interface to the D4 code, I noticed that no information about the dispersion correction is printed to the OUTCAR nor vasprun.xml. For the internal D3 routines, this is done by default. By adding the following lines in the source code, I can verify that the API to D4 is working correctly:
vdwforcefield.F line 439 (VASP 6.4.0=
I checked the D4 API, as it seems that the output stream is passed to it. But with my limited coding skills, I was not able to find any option or flag that could be set to enable any sort of information printing.
So my question is: Is there an option I can set to achieve similar printing behaviour for D4 as for the D3 routines? Did I miss any compilation flags that would enable printing? If not, would it be possible to add similar printing routines in a future version, so that one can get the dispersion information?
Thank you very much for your support!
Best regards,
After using the newly available interface to the D4 code, I noticed that no information about the dispersion correction is printed to the OUTCAR nor vasprun.xml. For the internal D3 routines, this is done by default. By adding the following lines in the source code, I can verify that the API to D4 is working correctly:
vdwforcefield.F line 439 (VASP 6.4.0=
Code: Select all
if ( then
WRITE(IO%IU6,'(/'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''/)')
write(IO%IU6,'(A)')' DFTD4 '
write(IO%IU6,'('' Edisp (eV)'',f11.5)')vdw%energy
WRITE(IO%IU6,'(/'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''/)')
So my question is: Is there an option I can set to achieve similar printing behaviour for D4 as for the D3 routines? Did I miss any compilation flags that would enable printing? If not, would it be possible to add similar printing routines in a future version, so that one can get the dispersion information?
Thank you very much for your support!
Best regards,