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error compilation of VASP in hpux

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:56 am
by hehui
When I compilied the VASP4.6 on hpux, I met the problems:
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "dgetrs_" in file radial.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "ztrtri_" in file choleski2.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "dgegv_" in file broyden.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "zpotrf_" in file choleski2.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "zheev_" in file LDApU.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "zhegv_" in file rmm-diis.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "dsyev_" in file finite_diff.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "zheevx_" in file wavpre_noio.o
8 errors.
I donot know the reason. Help me!
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>

error compilation of VASP in hpux

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:14 pm
by admin
you are missing the LAPACK library routines. Please include either the LAPACK delieverd with vasp, or a pre-installed LAPACK on your system in your LIB. Check if you set the path correctly