About the calculation of magnetic anistropies energy
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:35 pm
Dear Vasp Users.
I want to get the magnetic anistropies energy and have the questions
on the method of calculation.
First we calculate collinear magnetic state with
MAGMON=1 -1 1 (ferri magnet and 3 atom for example)
and then I want to compare the total energy of system where
the magnetic moment is directed [001] and [100] .
At the second run, following the manual,
I set [001] directed magnetic system,
SAXIS=0 0 1
NBAND=2*number of NBAND of 1st run.
(and No(!) MAGMOM term)
for [100] case,
SAXIS=1 0 0
and other terms are same as [001] case.
I think 1st run the magnetic moment is directed [001] and
the 2nd run will gives the magnetic moment (1 -1 1) for 1, 2 , 3rd
atom, (of course the magnitude of magnetic moment will change, I
concern only the sign of magnetic moment)
but SAXIS=1 0 0 case, does Vasp yield the (1 -1 1)
magnetic moment which are parallel along [100] direction ?
And in the manual, the calculation of magnetic anistropies energy are difference of 2nd non-self consistent run, but I think the
true magnetic anistoropies energy is the difference of energies
self consistent run with spin-orbit interaction.
So is it more accurate that we compare the energy with
the runs with [001] directed case
MAGMOM= 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 (3 * atom number)
SAXIS=0 0 1
MAGMOM = 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 (3 * atom number) same as [001] case
SAXIS=1 0 0
I want to get the magnetic anistropies energy and have the questions
on the method of calculation.
First we calculate collinear magnetic state with
MAGMON=1 -1 1 (ferri magnet and 3 atom for example)
and then I want to compare the total energy of system where
the magnetic moment is directed [001] and [100] .
At the second run, following the manual,
I set [001] directed magnetic system,
SAXIS=0 0 1
NBAND=2*number of NBAND of 1st run.
(and No(!) MAGMOM term)
for [100] case,
SAXIS=1 0 0
and other terms are same as [001] case.
I think 1st run the magnetic moment is directed [001] and
the 2nd run will gives the magnetic moment (1 -1 1) for 1, 2 , 3rd
atom, (of course the magnitude of magnetic moment will change, I
concern only the sign of magnetic moment)
but SAXIS=1 0 0 case, does Vasp yield the (1 -1 1)
magnetic moment which are parallel along [100] direction ?
And in the manual, the calculation of magnetic anistropies energy are difference of 2nd non-self consistent run, but I think the
true magnetic anistoropies energy is the difference of energies
self consistent run with spin-orbit interaction.
So is it more accurate that we compare the energy with
the runs with [001] directed case
MAGMOM= 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 (3 * atom number)
SAXIS=0 0 1
MAGMOM = 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 (3 * atom number) same as [001] case
SAXIS=1 0 0