equilibrium geometry - convergence
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:41 pm
Spin-Polarized calculation. I have relaxed the initial structure (ISPIN=1) to 0.01 eV/A. Then I read WAVECAR & CHGCAR (non-spinpol) files with ISPIN=2 and MAGMOM set correctly in the INCAR file. Now I check if spinpol equilibrium geometry is the same as non-spinpol, it is not (expected). So I relax to find equilibrium geometry for the spinpol case.
Problem! The calculation 'hangs' as if there were a segmentation fault. (?)
I originally thought I needed to change mixing parameters but after using -several- combinations this does not change the outcome. Then, I also decreased 'scaling constant for ionic steps' to POTIM=0.25. The best scenario was that one calculation did 4 ionic steps then it 'hangs' before convergence criteria satisfied.
I'm somewhat confident a VASP expert may have encountered this problem/situation and could explain this to me (I am using VASP.4.6.21).
Any suggestion what I should do? Here is what my INCAR file looks like when VASP 'hangs' (always 'hangs' just before it appears to be converging nicely).
ISTART = 1 # 0-new WAVECAR; 1-read WAVECAR
ICHARG = 1 # 1-read CHGCAR; 2-new CHGCAR
NBANDS = 248
LREAL = Auto # projector wavefunction
PREC = Normal # sets max energy cutoff for POTCAR
EDIFF = 1.0e-4 # energy convergence (eV)
NELM = 50 # max no. of scf steps
EDIFFG = -0.05 # force convergence (eV/A)
IBRION = 1 # relaxation method - quasi newton
POTIM = 0.25
IALGO = 48 # quick switch
NSW = 20 # max no. of ionic steps
NFREE = 20 # no. of ionic updates
ADDGRID = .TRUE. # add to FFT grid - accurate forces/energy
ISPIN = 2 # 2 -> spin pol., 1 -> non-spin pol. calc.
VOSKOWN = 1 # recommended spin calc. for GGA method
MAGMOM = 16*0 8*0 6*0 28*1 # set init tot. mag.mom. for each atom
# NELMDL = 0 # delay for mixing, constrain magmom 5steps
# AMIX = 0.02 # mixing for magnetic systems
# BMIX = 0.70 # significant to convergence
# AMIX_MAG = 0.20
ISMEAR = 1 # fermi smearing (partial occupancy)
SIGMA = 0.2 # smearing factor
LCHARG = .TRUE. # (default) write to CHGCAR
LWAVE = .TRUE. # (default) write to WAVECAR
NWRITE = 2 # write format to OUTCAR
Problem! The calculation 'hangs' as if there were a segmentation fault. (?)
I originally thought I needed to change mixing parameters but after using -several- combinations this does not change the outcome. Then, I also decreased 'scaling constant for ionic steps' to POTIM=0.25. The best scenario was that one calculation did 4 ionic steps then it 'hangs' before convergence criteria satisfied.
I'm somewhat confident a VASP expert may have encountered this problem/situation and could explain this to me (I am using VASP.4.6.21).
Any suggestion what I should do? Here is what my INCAR file looks like when VASP 'hangs' (always 'hangs' just before it appears to be converging nicely).
ISTART = 1 # 0-new WAVECAR; 1-read WAVECAR
ICHARG = 1 # 1-read CHGCAR; 2-new CHGCAR
NBANDS = 248
LREAL = Auto # projector wavefunction
PREC = Normal # sets max energy cutoff for POTCAR
EDIFF = 1.0e-4 # energy convergence (eV)
NELM = 50 # max no. of scf steps
EDIFFG = -0.05 # force convergence (eV/A)
IBRION = 1 # relaxation method - quasi newton
POTIM = 0.25
IALGO = 48 # quick switch
NSW = 20 # max no. of ionic steps
NFREE = 20 # no. of ionic updates
ADDGRID = .TRUE. # add to FFT grid - accurate forces/energy
ISPIN = 2 # 2 -> spin pol., 1 -> non-spin pol. calc.
VOSKOWN = 1 # recommended spin calc. for GGA method
MAGMOM = 16*0 8*0 6*0 28*1 # set init tot. mag.mom. for each atom
# NELMDL = 0 # delay for mixing, constrain magmom 5steps
# AMIX = 0.02 # mixing for magnetic systems
# BMIX = 0.70 # significant to convergence
# AMIX_MAG = 0.20
ISMEAR = 1 # fermi smearing (partial occupancy)
SIGMA = 0.2 # smearing factor
LCHARG = .TRUE. # (default) write to CHGCAR
LWAVE = .TRUE. # (default) write to WAVECAR
NWRITE = 2 # write format to OUTCAR