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Atom Specific Denisty of States

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:36 pm
by kmkumar
Dear All,

I am wondering how i should do the following in VASP.

I have 100 atoms, and wish to plot Density of states.
Well, i can do this in P4vasp.

But, i wish to get only the DOS of certain atoms, for example say atom no 5, 8, 38, 98, 99 among the 100 atoms considered.

I am wondering how i could do this in VASP.
Your suggestions are welcome and i thank you all in advance.


Atom Specific Denisty of States

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:14 pm
by admin
please set LORBIT = 10 (or 11)
you will find the local partial denisties of states of each atom in DOSCAR (blocks of NEDOS + 1 lines for each atom, in the same sequence as the atoms are defined in POSCAR. You just have to pick out the respective blocks of data from DOSCAR.