Q1. When running an RPA calculation (ALGO=ACFDTR), I saw the following format of OUTCAR. Is there a possible way to display these hided numbers in an RPA calculation?
Code: Select all
ACFDT: cpu time 0.0077: real time 0.0077
q-point correlation energy -0.192678 0.000000
Hartree contr. to MP2 -943550.734483 0.000000
cutoff energy smooth cutoff RPA correlation Hartree contr. to MP2
280.000 224.000****************************************
266.667 213.333****************************************
253.968 203.175****************************************
241.875 193.500****************************************
230.357 184.285****************************************
219.387 175.510****************************************
208.940 167.152****************************************
198.991 159.193****************************************
linear regression
converged value ****************************************
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,