conversence difficulty for ismear=-5 for insulator (large system)

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conversence difficulty for ismear=-5 for insulator (large system)

#1 Post by okuno » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:21 am

Dear Vasp Users.

I'm now compare the total energy of insulator system which are different
atom position.

My system has 40 atom and is insulator ( one impurity and we neutlizing
by back ground charge by NELECT, ant the neutlized system is
insulator.) .

I move one atom from the centro-symmetric position littile by little.
In order to get smooth energy- atom position relation,
I took ismear=-5. But the calculation has difficulty for conversence.
It took more than 50 cycle SCF for static electronic calculation, and some
case it does not reach conversence.
If I took ismear=0, I can get conversence results. But I worry about
the accuracy of total enegy for ismear=0.

For accurete total energy calculation, how we sets input parameter
by ismear=-5 (tetrahedron method) for big insulating system.

My input is as follow,


Startparameter for this Run:
NWRITE = 2; LPETIM=F write-flag & timer
#ISTART = 1 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
#ICHARG = 1 initial charge 0-calc 1-from CHGCAR, 2-super potision

Electronic minimization
ALGO = NORMAL # default for IALGO=38
IALGO = 38 # default Davodason block iteration scheme
EDIFF = 1.0E-05 # stopping -criterion for ELM
PREC = High

NELECT=352 # for charge of the system



NELM =100 # maximum electronic SC steps (default=60)

GGA = 91 # GGA PB PW LM 91 PE RP

SIGMA = 0.1
Last edited by okuno on Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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conversence difficulty for ismear=-5 for insulator (large system)

#2 Post by admin » Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:47 pm

charged periodic systems are only conditionally convergent. Please read the manual, chapter 'Dipole corrections for defects in solids' on how to calculate such kind of systems.
Last edited by admin on Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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